Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)
I recently approved the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam by The Linux Foundation, so I decided to share my experience and some recomm...
I recently approved the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam by The Linux Foundation, so I decided to share my experience and some recomm...
I just published a Terraform module called terraform-aws-secrets-manager at Github, so I decided to share it as well in the public Terraform Registry.
HashiCorp recently announced the general availability of some of their Cloud Certifications like Terraform and Vault (and others to come like Consul). As ...
I just published a Terraform module called terraform-aws-codebuild at Github, so I decided to share it as well in the public Terraform Registry.
I wrote this module to be able to create AWS Route53 Resolver rules for outbound endpoints in a more convenient way.